Getting the most from your ECAWA membership

It is up to you to get the most from your ECAWA Membership!

Get the most from your ECAWA Membership by staying in touch and being ready to take advantage of the opportunities that interest you.

Above all …. participate!


♦Ensure that your association always has your up to date contact details.

Please be sure to keep your contact details up to date as  ECAWeb and email are our primary means of keeping ECAWA Members informed. We encourage you to make sure that both personal and a ‘work’ email address are on file with ECAWA as using two addresses increases the chances that the message will reach you.

♦Ensure that email from the domain is ‘trusted’ and does not end up in your spam filter.

Most ECAWA email will come from, or

If you are a GMail user you may need to check that ECAWA email is not being shunted into the ‘Promotional’ or ‘Social’ categories.

♦Check ECAWeb for announcements and information.

Information is posted on ECAWeb as it becomes available so keep an eye on ECAWeb and particularly where you will find the latest announcement at the bottom of the page.

♦Join the ECAWA LinkeIn Group

ECAWA’s Linked In Group may be found at

See what other ECAWA Members are doing and reading, and share articles you consider worthwhile and your own great ideas.

♦Join the ECAWA FaceBook Group

ECAWA’s FaceBook Group may be found at

See what other ECAWA Members are doing and reading, and share articles you consider worthwhile and your own great ideas.

♦Attend the ECAWA Annual General Meeting

As soon as the date of the Annual General Meeting has been set information about the date, time, venue, speaker, positions becoming vacant and so on are posted at

After the AGM the results of the meeting are also posted on this page.

All financial Individual Members, Individual Country Members, Retired Members and Honorary Life Members are entitled to vote, and School Members are entitled to nominate one voting representative each. Student Members and additional staff of member schools are encouraged to attend, although they are not entitled to vote.

♦Work on a special project or be part of a sub committee

At any time the ECAWA Committee usually has several special projects  that require assistance from ECAWA members. If you are willing to assist ECAWA in this way please contact

♦Join the ECAWA Committee

The ECAWA Committee is a diverse group that works hard for ECAWA members. If you willing to take on a regular commitment and  work as part of this group please contact for more information.

Remember that it has been said that working as part of a professional association is some of the best Professional Learning available!

and more!

♦Join a Special Interest Group

Over the years ECAWA has had a wide range of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – Groups that have  formed around a particular interest, for discussion, research and investigation and Professional Learning.

If you have a particular interest contact to see if a group has formed or is forming in the area.

♦Get involved in ECAWA Professional Development and Professional Learning

An obvious benefit of your ECAWA membership is being able to attend PD / PL arranged by ECAWA. This is offered at no cost or at a reduced cost to ECAWA members.

Perhaps you might offer to make a presentation  or run a workshop to share your own knowledge and experience? After school PD usually runs from 4.00pm or 4.15pm to 5.30pm or 6.00pm, and may consist of a single presentation or two or more shorter presentations.

Check ECAWA communications to see what is being advertised, contact to enquire about future plans in your areas of interest or go to to make an offer to present.


