The ECAWA Annual General Meeting

will be held on:
Saturday the 22nd of February, beginning at 8.30am, at Christ Church Grammar School Preparatory School.

See   for updates


or renew your ECAWA Membership


or renew your existing membership here...


from ECAWA

Check the latest

ECAWA news!

#ECAWA2025 State Conference

Join us on Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd of February 2025

Make sure you are there!

#ECAWA2025 State Conference at Christ Church Grammar School Preparatory School

Contact us

Contact the ECAWA Committee

Contact ECAWA

We want to know what our members are thinking, what our members need, how you want to be involved in your association, what ideas you want to share ....

Check out the latest ECAWA News

ICT Education Conferences around Australia, other Professional Learning Opportunities and more…

See   for updates

ECAWA has been a thriving Professional Association since the 1970s

Some of ECAWA’s key support for members

Supporting teachers

With professional learning opportunities


Technology issues advocacy

Educator of the Year

ECAWA Educator of the Year Award


400+ resources on the blog


every week

Modelling best practice

Celebrating the best educators

FREE or low cost

Professional learning and development

Leader of the Year

ECAWA Leaders of the Year Award


Participation in state & national projects


Competitions and similar events

Cutting edge

Using current learning technologies

National Conference

ECAWA National Conference subsidies

Teacher of the Year

ECAWA Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year Award

AEC journals


Special purchasing offers

What ECAWA members are saying

Over many years I’ve enjoyed the camaraderie with my peers on eChalk and keeping up with the latest ways to support learning with technology.

Computer Science teacher

ECAWA conferences have been an excellent way to keep up with the various ways my colleagues from around the state and world are engaging learners with technology.

Secondary teacher

New members from all WA education sectors and systems are very welcome!

Stem Learning Project

The STEM Learning Project

Digital Technologies Hub See

Digital Technologies Hub!

Digital Technologies Resources at

Digital Technologies Curriculum Resources!!

Oh NO! How did that happen?

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