Welcome to the ECAWA Holiday Challenge

This competition has closed and the text below has been retained on ECAWeb for the information of those involved.

The winners of this competition are listed at https://ecawa.wa.edu.au/competitions/designacardcomp/ecawa-holiday-challenge-winners/ along with copies of some of the entries.

Happy Holidays WA

Design a Digital Card

Enter now – It’s free!

Essential Challenge Information:

The theme of all entries must celebrate the holiday season as decided by the individual entrant. Students may choose from their own repertoire of digital tools, or access the Digital Tool Kit, to create their “Happy Holidays” themed greeting card.

The ECAWA Holiday Challenge is open only to teachers their students in Western Australia. We are not able to accept entries from outside Western Australia.

An entry must:

  • adhere to the processes and production skills from the Western Australian Digital Technologies scope and sequence
  • relate to the theme
  • be original, innovative and not use the words, images, animations or ideas of other people without acknowledgement
  • not exceed an email attachment size limit of 20 megabytes (20480 KB)
  • a URL link is welcomed; app smashing encouraged
  • be submitted by the class teacher working in Western Australia on behalf of their students using a recognisable school email account and include: student first name and last name, year level, school, and school postal address as well as the other information listed on the entry form.

A separate, completed entry form must accompany each entry

Schools may enter up to a maximum of 4 entries in each of the following year level categories.

  • Pre-Primary
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6
  • Year 7
  • Year 8

Participating schools will receive a downloadable Certificate of Participation for distribution to all contributors.

Entries will be judged by a panel from ECAWA and  Fire Tech Camp Australia

Prizes, including  January Coding Camp passes (Robotics, Coding, Flying Drones Video Game Design or Digital Music) or Ozobots, will be sponsored by    Fire Tech Camp Australia  and awarded to the winning entries as appropriate to each year level and location.

Winning entries and highly commended shortlisted entries will be published on ECAWeb.

This competition closes on Friday the 8th of December at 5.00 pm

Email your competition entry and completed entry form to secretary@ecawa.wa.edu.au to arrive no later than 5.00pm on Friday the 8th of December, 2017.

1) Does the design concept reflect a seasonal / holiday message?

2) Is there evidence of a spark of creativity in your choice of digital presentation?

3) How did you make the card? Did you use a range of digital technologies and skills to design, create and power your entry?

4) Have you included a variety of media for this task?

4) Is your design original?

5) Have you acknowledged work that is not your own?

6) Have you followed submission guidelines?

The  Digital Tool Kit  is a collection of links to resources that you may find useful as you work on the ECAWA Holiday Challenge, however you are sure to already know of some other great apps, sites and resources, and you may use these as appropriate.

The  Digital Tool Kit  is at   https://ecawa.wa.edu.au/competitions/designacardcomp/ecawa-holiday-challenge-digital-tool-kit/

In order for you work to be entered into the ECAWA Holiday Challenge, your entry must be accompanied by a copy of your completed Entry Form.

The Entry Form is at https://ecawa.wa.edu.au/competitions/designacardcomp/enter/ 

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Contact Info

PO Box 297 Claremont WA 6910

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