ECAWA, the Educational Computing Association of Western Australia (Inc), as an association of volunteers, is committed to furthering the advancement of education by promoting the use of Information and Communication Technologies as powerful aids to learning.
ECAWA supports all educators teaching the Western Australian Curriculum: the P-10 subject: Digital Technologies, the senior secondary computing subjects (Applied Information Technology and Computer Science) and all who are working with the ICT Capability in all courses and subjects.
ECAWA also supports educators in all areas who are looking for ways of integrating technology into their learning and teaching programmes in meaningful and innovative ways.
ECAWA supports teachers to engage in projects that integrate technology in STEM and STEAM projects.
ECAWA provides professional learning for educators in the digital technologies curriculum and runs regular professional learning events in coding, robotics, virtual reality, design and computational thinking to help teachers prepare students for the future.
ECAWA members belong to a network of creative and innovative educators across WA, and with close links to similar associations in each State and Territory of Australia through ECAWA’s founding membership of the ACCE – the Australian Council of Computers in Education, and with strong links to international groups.
Our passion for what we do transfers into member services
What are your professional learning / professional development needs?
How may ECAWA assist you or your school to offer more to your students?
Please let us know how we can help you – or what you may be able to offer to other ECAWA members.
ECAWA Honorary Life Members
Over time, ECAWA has elected thirteen Honorary Life Members:
Dr Lorraine Kershaw
Mr Paul Dench (dec. June 2020) See https://ecawa.wa.edu.au/2020/07/09/remembering-paul-dench/
Dr Jan Ring
Dr Paul Newhouse (dec. November 2017) See https://ecawa.wa.edu.au/2017/12/04/remembering-paul-newhouse/
Dr Sue Trinidad
Dr Roger Atkinson
Mr Rags Weggelaar
Mrs Judy Weggelaar
Dr Barnard Clarkson
Mr Michael Leishman
Mr Ian Gaynor (dec. October 2019) See https://ecawa.wa.edu.au/2019/10/09/remembering-ian-gaynor/
Mr Robin Hutton
Ms Lynley McKernan
Our Sponsors, Supporters and Exhibitors
ECAWA is very grateful for the participation of our sponsors, supporters and exhibitors in ECAWA events, particularly our annual ECAWA State Conference. They help to make our events more affordable for educators, and by exhibiting at these events, give busy teachers and educational administrators the chance to see and discuss their products at a convenient time.
The organisations below have assisted ECAWA over the years – along with other people, organisations and companies, and ECAWA is grateful for that support.