The ECAWA 2023 State Conference will be held at Christ Church Grammar School on Thursday the 5th and Friday the 6th of October, 2023.
What’s on?
See some of the great line up of presenters and presentations for the conference at Presenters and Presentations
When is everything happening?
See copies of the Programme Summary (grids) for both days of the conference at Presenters and Presentations
How do I get a place in those workshops?
First – Check the various options and buy your conference ticket online at Professional Learning Event Tickets
Next – as soon as you have bought your ticket check back over the details of all the Presenters and Presentations and then select your personal conference programme for the day or days you will be participating, using the form at:
⇒Select Your Personal Programme
How do I find everything?
Parking: There is plenty of parking available or you may choose to arrive by train and walk over to the school.
Details of parking arrangements and a map of Christ Church Grammar School showing the parking areas and the venue are availablehere:
Download the map:
Will I get a certificate?
Certificates recording your participation in this event will be made available at the event. Check your spelling and punctuation when you enter your details as you purchase your tickets as this information is used to produce your name tags, certificate and any other documents.
What if I need to ask a question?
Check out the Timetable and Programme for the ECAWA2023 State Conference, to be held at Christ Church Grammar School on Thursday the 5th and Friday the 6th of October.
Get your tickets at
Choose your ticket and pay online
⇒Timetable and Programme
Download the latest copy of the programme:

TechXpress are offering ECAWA members – those who are Individual Members, Country Individual Members, or on the teaching staff of a School Member of ECAWA – the chance to win a set of 25 Over-Ear headphones.
Members can enter the draw online by completing the form at
Have a look at the other products that TechXpress has available, on their website at
Their Phone Lockers are a new product that can be used in a number of scenarios, even if you don’t have a blanket phone ban in place.
Note: You must be an Individual Member, Country Individual Member, or on the teaching staff of a School Member of ECAWA to be eligible to win the prize, and your membership will be verified before a prize is awarded.
In brief:
ECAWA 2023 State Conference
Main page:
Dates: Thursday the 5th and Friday the 6th of October 2023
Venue: Christ Church Grammar School Download the map:
Parking: Plenty of parking available or arrive by train and walk over to the school.
Presenters and Presentations:
Registration and Conference Tickets: Choose your ticket and pay online
Record keeping: Certificates recording your participation in this event will be made available at the event
Enquiries: contact