Donna Buckley will present Data Science in the Secondary Classroom at the ECAWA 2022 State Conference

Data Science in the Secondary Classroom

A Lecture / Discussion

The ability to work with, understand, and use data has become an essential life skill and requirement for an ever-expanding range of jobs and careers.

Data is everywhere around us. Ninety percent of the world’s data has been created in the last two years (Marr, 2018).

By studying data science, students develop creative thinking, computational thinking and statistical understanding in authentic contexts, extending them to become confident and critical storytellers of data.

By learning to analyse claims and inferences, including considerations and identification of possible sources of bias students are empowered in the digital age.

Attendees of this session will develop a base line understanding of data science and will have time to discover free resources that can be used in the classroom, such as CODAP and the Pawsey Super Computer Data.

Donna Buckley


Intended Audience:
Those interested in Senior Secondary (10 – 12), Cybersecurity


Christ Church Grammar School, Claremont, IT Centre

About the Presenter:

Donna Buckley is a level three teacher, Assistant Head of Mathematics and VET Cybersecurity teacher. She coordinates Maths Talent Quest for the Mathematical Association of WA , an activity that encourages students to apply mathematical and statistical thinking processes to solve problems.

Passionate about connecting industry needs to students, Donna advocates for the teaching of Data Science and Programming in schools.

Donna is a volunteer at the Perth Girls Programming Network and has presented on mathematics, cybersecurity, data science, programming and cryptography in STEM Conferences across Australia.

Join Donna Buckley at the ECAWA 2022 State Conference on Thursday the 6th and Friday the 7th of October, 2022

ECAWA 2022 State Conference #ECAWA2022