Why belong to ECAWA?

ECAWA has been a thriving professional association for well over 40 years, offering members support of a national and international standard.

The ECAWA community is made up of people for whom this support has opened new doors and helped them to meet challenges.

ECAWA offers a variety of services to its members. Aside from the invaluable advice about all matters associated with using information technology in education, we provide:

  • Free or low cost professional learning
  • Opportunities for members to develop their skills and confidence in presenting to audiences of various sizes
  • Technology issues advocacy
  • Regular ECAWA Updates to keep you informed about forthcoming events and opportunities
  • Discounted access to ECAWA State Conference, ACCE Conference and some other major PD/ PL events were “member” rates are advertised
  • Access to grants and subsidies that may be available from time to time
  • Participation in state wide or national projects
  • Awards: ECAWA Educator of the Year / ECAWA Educational Leader of the Year / ECAWA Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year
  • Nominations for national recognition: ACS / ACCE Educator of the Year and ACS / ACCE Educational Leader of the Year and ACS / ACCE Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year
  • Opportunities to collaborate with colleagues to create and develop resources
  • Connections with competitions, special purchasing offers, etc as appropriate