Individual Country Membership – $66.00 including GST – for members living and working more than 100km from Perth
- Access to extra grants and subsidies that may become available to members based in rural and regional areas
- Access to regular PD/ PL opportunities at low or NO cost
- Discounted access to ECAWA State Conference, ACCE Conference and other major PD/ PL events were “member” rates are advertised
- Access to grants and subsidies that may be available from time to time
- Participation in state wide or national projects
- Access to Australian Educational Computing journal — Online access
- Access to regular ISTE Study Tours (currently unavailable)
- May be nominated for awards: ECAWA Educator of the Year / ECAWA Educational Leader of the Year
- May be nominated for national recognition: ACS / ACCE Educator of the Year and ACS / ACCE Educational Leader of the Year
- May be elected or co-opted to positions on the ECAWA Committee and may be co-opted to assist the Committee
- Individual members have the right to vote at General Meetings of the Association
- If you are joining ECAWA, rather than renewing an existing membership, your membership application will be presented to the ECAWA Committee at their next meeting for confirmation / acceptance, however you may still attend and PL / PD at member rates from the time your payment is received.
- This membership expires on the 30th of March, 2026, in line with the ECAWA Rules of Association. To continue your membership of ECAWA you will need to renew the membership at that time. The best link to use to renew your membership is
- It may be a good idea if you set a reminder of the renewal date above on your personal calendar right now! It is the easiest way to stay up to date.
- If you are asked to quote your ECAWA Membership Number please quote the number on the TAX INVOICE for your membership. This number will change when you renew your membership each year.
- In applying for membership of ECAWA / renewing your ECAWA membership you confirm that you agree to support:
– the Objects of the Association as outlined in the Rules of the Educational Computing Association of Western Australia (Inc) and
– the work of the Association, and
– abide by the Rules of the Association.
Please note that this membership is made available to educators who support the objects of the Educational Computing Association of Western Australia (Inc). Businesses, including hardware, software, service and training providers and their representatives are invited to contact ECAWA to discuss a sponsorship relationship.