Join or Renew

Join ECAWA or renew your ECAWA membership

Be sure to keep your ECAWA membership up to date so that you and your school are able to take advantage of the many opportunities available to ECAWA members.

Five different types of membership are offered:

  • School / Organisational Membership – $165.00 including GST
  • Individual Membership –  $71.50 a year including GST
  • Individual Country Membership – $66.00 including GST – for members living and working more than 100km from Perth
  • Retired Individual Membership – $22.00 including GST – for former personal members of ECAWA who have retired from active paid employment
  • Student Membership – $22.00 including GST – however this membership is now offered at no cost to full time, unwaged WA tertiary students

Also available from time to time,  by special arrangement:

  • Cross Curricular School Membership (STEM Membership) – for primary schools only, for primary schools applying for organisational / school cross–curricular membership through MAWA, STAWA, ECAWA or other professional teaching organization with which ECAWA has such an arrangement. NOTE: This membership is not available at this time.
  • Introductory Individual Membership – for people who are registering for specific professional learning activities where membership is offered as part of a special package. Note: This membership does not become valid until the person who wishes to accept the membership activates it.

School / Organisational Membership – $165.00 including GST

  • Access to regular PD/ PL opportunities at low or NO cost for at least 3 staff members (with more places usually able to be made available)
  • Discounted access to ECAWA State Conference, ACCE Conference and other major PD/ PL events were “member” rates are advertised, for at least 3 staff members (with more discounted places usually able to be made available))
  • Access to grants and subsidies from national groups that may be available from time to time
  • Participation in state wide or national projects
  • Access to Australian Educational Computing journal — Online access
  • Access to regular ISTE Study Tours* (currently not available)
  • Voting representatives of the member schools may be elected or co-opted to positions on the ECAWA Committee and other staff may be co-opted to assist the Committee (non voting).
  • One person may be nominated to be the voting representative of the school / organisation at General Meetings of the Association. Other staff are encouraged to attend meetings although they are not able to vote.

Individual / Personal Membership –  $71.50 a year including GST

  • Access to regular PD/ PL opportunities at low or NO cost
  • Discounted access to ECAWA State Conference, ACCE Conference and other major PD/ PL events were “member” rates are advertised
  • Access to grants and subsidies from national groups that may be available from time to time
  • Participation in state wide or national projects
  • Access to Australian Educational Computing journal — Online access
  • Access to regular ISTE Study Tours* (currently not available)
  • May be nominated for awards: ECAWA Educator of the Year / ECAWA Educational Leader of the Year /ECAWA Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year*
  • May be nominated for national recognition: ACS / ACCE Educator of the Year / ACS / ACCE Educational Leader of the Year / ACS / ACCE Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year*
  • May be elected or co-opted to positions on the ECAWA Committee and may be co-opted to assist the Committee
  • Individual members have the right to vote at General Meetings of the Association

Individual / Personal Country Membership – $66.00 including GST – for members living and working more than 100km from Perth

  • As for Individual Membership
  • Access to extra grants and subsidies from national groups that may become available to members based in rural and regional areas

Retired Individual / Personal Membership – $22.00 including GST – for former personal / individual members of ECAWA who have retired from active paid employment

  • As for Individual Membership

Student Membership – $22.00 including GST – however this membership is currently offered at no cost to full time, unwaged WA tertiary students

  • Access to regular PD/ PL opportunities at low or NO cost
  • Discounted access to ECAWA State Conference, ACCE Conference and other major PD/ PL events were “member” rates are advertised
  • Access to some of the grants and subsidies from national groups that may be available from time to time
  • Participation in state wide or national projects
  • Access to Australian Educational Computing journal — Online access
  • Access to regular ISTE Study Tours* (currently not available)
  • May be co-opted to assist the ECAWA Committee
  • Student members do not have the right to vote at General Meetings of the Association, however they are encouraged to attend these meetings.


Cross Curricular School Membership (STEM Membership) – for primary schools only, for primary schools applying for organisational / school cross–curricular membership through MAWA, STAWA, ECAWA or other professional teaching organization with which ECAWA has such an arrangement. NOTE: This membership is not available at this time.

  • Access to regular PD/ PL opportunities at low or NO cost for at least 3 staff members (with more places usually able to be made available)
  • Discounted access to ECAWA State Conference, ACCE Conference and other major PD/ PL events were “member” rates are advertised, for at least 3 staff members (with more discounted places usually able to be made available)
  • Access to some of the grants and subsidies from national groups that may be available from time to time
  • Participation in state wide or national projects
  • Access to Australian Educational Computing journal — Online access
  • Access to regular ISTE Study Tours* (currently not available)
  • Staff of the member schools  may be co-opted to assist the ECAWA Committee
  • Cross Curricular School Members do not have the right to vote at General Meetings of the Association, however they are encouraged to attend these meetings.

Introductory Individual Membership – for people who are registering for specific professional learning activities where membership is offered as part of a special package. Note: This membership does not become valid until the person who wishes to accept the membership activates it by purchasing the appropriate membership ticket using a valid 100% discount coupon code supplied by the organiser of the professional learning activity concerned. NOTE 2: This membership is not available at this time.

  • Access to regular PD/ PL opportunities at low or NO cost
  • Discounted access to ECAWA State Conference, ACCE Conference and other major PD/ PL events were “member” rates are advertised
  • Access to some of the grants and subsidies from national groups that may be available from time to time
  • Participation in state wide or national projects
  • Access to Australian Educational Computing journal — Online access
  • Access to regular ISTE Study Tours* (currently not available)
  • May be co-opted to assist the ECAWA Committee
  • Those covered by an Introductory Membership do not have the right to vote at General Meetings of the Association, however they are encouraged to attend these meetings.

ECAWA membership subscriptions for both personal and school / organisational memberships normally run for 12 months and  become due at either the end of March or the end of September each year. The term of the Membership is listed on the Membership ticket, and in the accompanying text, and includes the date on which the membership is due to be renewed. However, you are welcome to join ECAWA at any time, and, if you contact us to discuss this in advance,  we will often be able to adjust the length of your membership period to ensure that you get a full year in your subscription when you first join ECAWA.

After this, if you renew your ECAWA Membership on time each year you will always have exactly a full year’s coverage each time.

In practice this means:

Example 1:
If you paid your ECAWA subscription in March 2025 when you registered for an ECAWA PL event, your membership would be considered “financial” through until March 30, 2026, when it would become due for renewal. This would be have been stated on your ticket for you to read when you were choosing the ticket, and at the time of payment.

Example 2:
If you paid your ECAWA subscription in September 2024 when you registered for an ECAWA PL event, your membership would be considered “financial” through until September 30, 2025, when it would become due for renewal. This would be have been stated on your ticket for you to read when you were choosing the ticket, and at the time of payment.

Example 3:
If you joined ECAWA and paid your ECAWA subscription in late August 2024 for any reason, you would receive any member benefits apart from voting rights as soon as the payment was received by ECAWA, and would become a full, voting member (depending on the type of membership) after the ECAWA Committee had approved your application for membership at their meeting.

As the September 30th renewal date was close soon after you applied to join ECAWA, you would be assigned a membership expiry date of September 30th 2025,  meaning that your first subscription would give you up to 13+ months membership, rather than the usual 12 months. This would be a “one time” extension applying to a new member, as it would be expected that the membership would be renewed on September 30th annually. This renewal date would be have been stated on your ticket for you to read when you were choosing the ticket, and at the time of payment.

Example 4:
If you joined ECAWA and paid your ECAWA subscription late February 2025 for any reason, you would receive any member benefits apart from voting rights as soon as the payment was received by ECAWA, and would become a full, voting member (depending on the type of membership) after the ECAWA Committee had approved your application for membership at their meeting.

As the March 30th renewal date was close soon after you applied to join ECAWA, you would be assigned a membership expiry date of March 30th 2026,  meaning that your first subscription would give you up to 13+ months membership, rather than the usual 12 months. This would be a “one time” extension applying to a new member, as it would be expected that the membership would be renewed on March 30th annually. This would be have been stated on your ticket for you to read when you were choosing the ticket, and at the time of payment.

If you need more information please contact the Secretary

Members of ECAWA with an Individual (Personal) membership move to another type of membership under certain circumstances.

1.Your current ECAWA Individual (Personal) membership must be financial.
2. You must qualify for the membership to which you want to move.

If you meet those conditions, when your usual renewal date approaches, select the membership to which you want to move and, when you purchase the membership ticket from ECAWeb, at the bottom of the form, under “ECAWA Membership Status” select the option “I am a current financial Individual / Personal ECAWA Member moving to a different Membership type”.

If you think it is appropriate you may include a note on your order to explain the reason for the change.

Examples 1:
A person who is a current financial Individual (Personal) Country Member with a March 30th renewal date moves to Perth in December. Early in March the member goes to ECAWeb and selects a standard Individual (Personal) Membership ticket, and during the Checkout process, under “ECAWA Membership Status” selects the option “I am a current financial Individual / Personal ECAWA Member moving to a different Membership type.” The member does not consider it necessary to include an Order Note about the reason for the change as their address details make the reason apparent.

Example 2:
A person who is a current financial Individual (Personal) Member with a September 30th renewal date moves to Geraldton in January.  Early in September the member goes to ECAWeb and selects an Individual (Personal)  CountryMembership ticket, and during the Checkout process, under “ECAWA Membership Status” selects the option “I am a current financial Individual / Personal ECAWA Member moving to a different Membership type.” The member does not consider it necessary to include an Order Note about the reason for the change as their address details make the reason apparent.

Example 3:
A person who is a current financial Individual (Personal) Member with a September 30th renewal date retires from paid employment in December.  Early the following September the member goes to ECAWeb and selects an Retired (Personal) Membership ticket, and during the Checkout process, under “ECAWA Membership Status” selects the option “I am a current financial Individual / Personal ECAWA Member moving to a different Membership type.” As this membership involves a significant cost difference, the member includes an Order Note confirming that they have retired from all paid employment.

Example 4:
A person who is a current financial Retired (Personal) Member with a March 30th renewal date returns to part time paid employment in July.  Early the following March the member goes to ECAWeb and selects an Individual (Personal) Membership ticket, and during the Checkout process, under “ECAWA Membership Status” selects the option “I am a current financial  Individual / Personal ECAWA Member moving to a different Membership type.” The member includes an Order Note confirming that they have now returned to paid employment and no longer qualify for the Retired Membership.

Example 5:
A person who is a current financial Individual (Personal) Member with a September 30th renewal date returns to full time study in February and is not receiving any wages or salary.  Early the following September the member goes to ECAWeb and selects a Student (Personal) Membership ticket, and during the Checkout process, under “ECAWA Membership Status” selects the option “I am a current financial Individual / Personal ECAWA Member moving to a different Membership type.” As this membership involves a significant cost difference, the member includes an Order Note confirming that they  are studing full time and not receiving any wages or salary.

Please note that this particular change of membership type would result in the member becoming a “non voting member”, and they would no longer be eligible to be on the ECAWA Committee, however they could still be able to be co-opted to assist the ECAWA Committee, but be without voting rights on that Committee.  Please consider all your needs before you move between membership types.

Although we offer a range of payment options, ECAWA prefers to receive payments online at the time of purchase by either (1) Credit Card or by (2) PayPal. 

This reduces the processing costs to the association considerably, and helps us to keep the amounts we need to charge for membership subscriptions, conferences and workshops as low as possible. It also allows us to process membership applications more quickly, which may be significant to you.

Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer / Direct Deposit to the ECAWA bank account is also accepted.

At the time you make a purchase of an ECAWA membership or ECAWA event ticket/s a copy of your Tax Invoice will be emailed to the address you enter as the “Billing email”. The name, address and ABN of the association, as well as a statement that GST is included in amounts, is on each TAX Invoice.

More information about making payments to ECAWA, including links and account information, is available at Payments to ECAWA

Note: Some members have found it useful to set up an automatic payment from their PayPal account for their ECAWA Membership, ensuring that their membership is always renewed on time.

Please contact the Secretary if you would like information about this, as it is important that ECAWA is aware of the what the payment is for and from whom it is coming, as an anonymous will cause both you and ECAWA difficulties.

In common with many other organisations, including our larger schools, ECAWA does not usually issue manual Paid Tax Invoices (receipts) for payments received. Instead, you will automatically receive a copy of the Tax Invoice sent to the “Billing email” you listed when you make your purchase. this Tax Invoice will be a document attached to the email.

When your payment has been received you will receive another notification that your purchase has been completed, sent to the same email address, again with you Tax Invoice as an attachment.

We aim to keep the process as streamlined as possible so that we can keep costs to members as low as possible by reducing our administration costs.

When you make a payment by Credit Card you will also receive an email directly from Stripe confirming that your payment to ECAWA has been made and specifying the amount paid. Please file a copy of this email, along with the completed Tax Invoice, for your tax purposes or to claim reimbursement from your employer.

When you make your payment by PayPal you will also receive an email directly from PayPal confirming that your payment to ECAWA has been made and specifying the amount paid. Please file a copy of this email, along with the completed Tax Invoice, for your tax purposes or to claim reimbursement from your employer.

When you make a payment by Electronic Funds Transfer / Direct Deposit you should keep a record of this and again, file it along with the completed Tax Invoice that will be sent as an attachment to an email.

If you created an account when you made a purchase of a membership or event ticket via ECAWeb you may use the username and password you created to log in to the account and download copies of your Tax Invoices, however to make this work well for you, please ensure that you  create and use only one account on ECAWeb, so that all your Tax Invoices will be in that one account.

If you find that this does not meet your needs please contact the Secretary

When you join ECAWA and book tickets for ECAWA Professional Learning or other events you are asked to provide identifying personal information.

Protecting our members’ personal information is critical to maintaining ECAWA’s credibility as a Professional Association, and is something we take very seriously..

Restricting access is a key tool in keeping member and attendee information secure. ECAWA gives a volunteer or employee only sufficient access to members’ information to allow them do their job, and reminds volunteers and employees of their obligations whenever they receive such information.

For more information please see the FAQs – Privacy and Personal Information at


Again, if you ever believe that your personal information supplied to ECAWA has been mis-used, passed to a third party or otherwise compromised in any way please alert us to this as soon as possible.

ECAWA membership is made available to individual teachers, retired members and pre-service teachers, as well as schools and similar organisations (colleges, kindergartens, university departments, government departments involved in education and the like).

Businesses, including hardware, software, service and training providers, and their employees, are invited to contact ECAWA to discuss a sponsorship relationship.

In applying for membership of ECAWA / renewing your ECAWA membership you confirm that you agree to support the Objects of the Association as outlined in the  Rules of the Educational Computing Association of Western Australia (Inc) and the work of the Association, and abide by the Rules of the Association.

Members and prospective Members are encouraged to download a copy of the ECAWA Rules of the Association and print a copy for their own use if needed.

If any member requires a printed copy to be posted to their address, please contact the Secretary with your request, and make arrangements to provide a correctly stamped, self addressed A4 envelope so that your request may be met.

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