The ECAWA Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Educational Computing Association of Western Australia (Inc) is usually held in Term 1 of the school year, but may be held at another time if so decided by the ECAWA Committee, and if the alternative time falls within the period allowed by the ECAWA Rules.
The Committee will always give members as much fore-warning of the Annual General Meeting as possible, and is required by the ECAWA Rules to give a minimum of 15 school days notice of the AGM.
Details of the ECAWA AGM will be posted on this website, as well as sent to members at the email address registered with ECAWA. The information will usually be sent out via other channels that are available to us as well.
Please be sure to keep your contact details up to date as ECAWeb and email are our primary means of keeping ECAWA Members informed.
Please direct any queries about ECAWA Annual General Meetings to the President:
The most recent Annual General Meeting of the Educational Computing Association of Western Australia Inc took place on:
Saturday the 22nd of February, beginning at 8.30am, at Christ Church Grammar School Preparatory School.
A light breakfast was available from 8.00am for those members who completed the online attendance / response form.
About the most recent AGM:
In brief:
Date: Saturday the 22nd of February, 2025
Time: from 8.00am for a light breakfast followed by the meeting to starting at 8.30am.
Venue: Christ Church Grammar School Preparatory School
RSVP: Please use the response form to indicate your attendance as soon as you have made your plans
ECAWA_AGM_Notice 2025
ECAWA Committee Nomination Form
ECAWA Rules as Passed
Appointment of a School Voting Representative
Are you thinking of nominating for a position on the ECAWA Committee?
Some things to consider….
As a first step, rather than waiting until the AGM, you may like to contact the President of ECAWA as soon as you can, to ask if there is anything that you might be able to assist the Committee with now. As well as providing some extra support for the association, it will give you an opportunity to find out what happens “behind the scenes”, and see how things work.
Next, find some time to read through the ECAWA Rules.
Then the Annual General Meeting is announced:
- Check that your ECAWA Membership is up to date (financial).
You must be a financial, voting member of ECAWA to nominate for a Committee position. Don’t leave this until the last minute as applications for new ECAWA Memberships must be presented to the ECAWA Committee for approval / acceptance before the applicant becomes a member of ECAWA. This does not apply if you are just renewing an existing ECAWA Membership, but you will definitely need to allow time for the Committee to meet to vote on your membership if, for example, you are moving from a School / Organisational Membership to an Individual / Personal Membership or from a Individual / Personal Membership to a Retired Membership, or if you have previously been a member of ECAWA but did not renew that membership when it became due. - Complete your Nomination Form carefully.
We try hard to make the “paperwork” as easy to follow as possible, however there will always be something that can be improved, so please, if you have a question about the Nomination Form please contact the Secretary or the President BUT make sure that you do this BEFORE you submit your nomination, and well ahead of the close of nominations. Once you have submitted your nomination and the nomination period has closed your nomination cannot be changed. - Check that your Nomination form has been signed by yourself as the Nominee as well as by your Nominator and Seconder, all with your usual signature – the same one you would use to sign the Attendance Register if you attended the Face to Face AGM.
- Check that your Nominator and Seconder are financial, voting members of ECAWA.
Ask your Nominator and Seconder what type of ECAWA Membership they hold, and when it was last renewed. - Staff of ECAWA School / Organisational Members please remember that while any of the staff members of an ECAWA School / Organisational Member may attend PL at “member rates,” each School / Organisational Member is permitted to appoint only ONE person to be their representative, and this appointment must be made in writing and on the appropriate form (Appointment of a School Voting Representative), and lodged with the Secretary.
- Scan your completed form/s and send it to the email address on the form.