
ECAWA recognises members who make an outstanding contribution as educators and leaders with three awards:

– the award for the ECAWA Educator of the Year,

– the award for the ECAWA Leader of the Year and

– the award for the Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year.

The recipients of these awards generally become the WA nominees for the corresponding national awards made by the Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) and the Australian Computer Society (ACS).

From time to time ECAWA also nominates members for awards offered by other bodies.

Intending Nominators / Nominees should read the applicable form as well at the “Nominations for Awards” information below.

Each year the Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) and the Australian Computer Society (ACS) host the ACCE Educator of the Year Award. This award recognises exemplary educational practice by ECAWA members involving the use of computer technology in the teaching and learning environment.

Nominees for this award are usually the individual state Educator of the Year winners, and in WA the award is the Educational Computing Association of Western Australia’s Educator of the Year Award.

The award is intended to recognise the efforts of ECAWA members who are contributing very significantly to the use of ICTs in their schools.

While it is understood that university based educators, school administrators and district / regional personnel also contribute to the professional computer education community, this award focuses on the efforts of classroom-based educators. Nominees must be based in a school and considered a member of that school’s teaching staff.

To be considered for ECAWA’s Educator of the Year Award, educators may be nominated by their peers or may nominate themselves, using the appropriate form (linked below).

It is important to note that ECAWA may choose not to make the award in a particular year.

Intending Nominators / Nominees should read the applicable form as well at the “Nominations for Awards” information below.

The ECAWA Educator of the Year 2023 Nomination Package

Editable Nomination Form – The ECAWA Educator of the Year 2023 Nomination Form / Cover Page

Each year the Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) and the Australian Computer Society (ACS) host the ACCE Leader of the Year Award.

This award acknowledges the work of educational leaders and innovators who have made a significant contribution to the use of ICT in education. Typically they will be a leader / mentor / advisor to a school or broader educational community group. It recognizes significant advocacy, support and promotion of the use of ICT in Education. Applicants will have had a distinguished career and proven inspirational achievement in leading the ICT in education community. This may include their work in

  • Achieving excellence in ICT in education innovation and development and working tirelessly to improve the quality of education
  • Assisting in the building of partnerships to advance the use of ICT in education (eg. school and community partnerships, school and industry partnerships)
  • Planning, developing and implementing programs to advance ICT in Education
  • Providing advocacy for ICT in Education to the extent that their work is used as a model for others
  • Serving as a catalyst for policy change and development in ICT in Education
  • Contributing to ECAWA and/or ACCE work and actively participating in the professional communities of these organizations
  • Nurturing and mentoring individuals, groups and/or associations to enhance the use of ICT in Education
  • Conducting research and/or writing about ICT in Education
  • Inspiring others to strive for excellence

Nominees for this award are usually the individual state Leader of the Year winners, and in WA the award is the Educational Computing Association of Western Australia’s Educational Leader of the Year Award.

To be considered for ECAWA’s Educational Leader of the Year Award, educators may be nominated by their peers or may nominate themselves, using the appropriate form (linked below).

It is important to note that ECAWA may choose not to make the award in a particular year.

Intending Nominators / Nominees should read the applicable form as well at the “Nominations for Awards” information below.

The ECAWA Educational Leader of the Year 2023 Nomination Package

Editable Form : The ECAWA Educational Leader of the Year 2023 Nomination Form / Cover Page

Each year the Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) and the Australian Computer Society (ACS) host the ACCE Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year Award. This award is intended to recognise the importance of the work of Australian teachers who are innovatively employing the Digital Technologies Curriculum in their K-12 schools.

Nominees for this award are usually the individual state Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year winners, and in WA this award is the Educational Computing Association of Western Australia’s Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year Award.

Those nominated must be ‘Individual’ ECAWA members who are innovatively employing the Digital Technologies Curriculum in their K-12 schools.

While it is understood that university based educators, school administrators and district / regional personnel also contribute to the professional computer education community, this award focuses on recognising the efforts of the efforts of K- 12 classroom-based educators. Nominees must be based in a school and considered a member of that school’s teaching staff.

To be considered for ECAWA’s Digital Technology Teacher of the Year Award, educators may be nominated by their peers or may nominate themselves, using the appropriate form (linked below).

It is important to note that ECAWA may choose not to make the award in a particular year.

Intending Nominators / Nominees should read the applicable form as well at the “Nominations for Awards” information below.

The ECAWA Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year 2023 Nomination Package

Editable Form: The ECAWA Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year 2023 Nomination Form / Cover Page

Nominations for ECAWA Awards must be received complete, and in the correct format, by 5.00pm on the date specified for the year of the award. The date may vary from year to year to accommodate the timing of National events, and in 2024 the final time that awards may be accepted by ECAWA is  5.00pm on Tuesday, September 10th 2024.

Nominees must be current, financial Individual (Personal) members of ECAWA at the time of the nomination, with the membership financial through until at least the 30th of March in the following year. In 2023 this means that nominees must hold a financial Individual membership of ECAWA at the time of the nomination that is valid through to at least the 30th of March, 2025.

Nominators must obtain the agreement of the Nominee before submitting the nomination.

All nominations should be emailed to both and This is a precaution we ask you to take, to avoid any possible issues of lost emails.

The ECAWA Secretary will acknowledge all nominations received, so please follow up promptly if your acknowledgement does not come through.

If you have any queries about the awards, the process or the application please contact the ECAWA Secretary at or on 0411 241 261.

As stated above, the recipients of these awards generally become the WA nominees for the corresponding national awards made by the Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) and the Australian Computer Society (ACS).

For this reason the nomination forms for these awards are not made available until after the ACCE Board Annual General Meeting in that year. The previous award documents remain available here only as a general guide to nominators, as changes may be made from year to year.