ECAWA#2025 State Conference Keynote Address:

Tools, Not Toys

Presented by

Dr Damien Kee
Independent Technology Expert

‘Tools, not Toys’

Devices are fun, robots are engaging, blinky lights look amazing.

However… while there is a significant push to incorporate technology into our educational environment, it is important highlight that these ‘things’ should be considered first and foremost as tools for teaching curriculum, not as content in their own right.

We don’t ‘teach’ robots, we use robots to help students engage with our curriculum.

‘Tools, not toys’ is a concept that seeks to ensure educators are using Technology in educationally relevant ways, not just to follow the latest fad of the time.

In nearly 20 years of using technology in the Education ecosphere, Damien has seen just about everything imaginable!

This Keynote Address will touch on how this can be achieved, as well as providing suggestions on how to choose appropriate Educational Technology platforms to suit curriculum requirements.



Intended Audience:

Those interested in STEM, General Primary, Junior Primary, Middle / Upper Primary, Middle Secondary (7 – 9), Senior Secondary (10 – 12), Cybersecurity, New Teachers, Out of Area Teachers


About the Presenter:

Dr Damien Kee is an independent technology education expert, who specialises in bringing technology concepts to teachers and educatorsDamien Kee will present Tools Not Toys, a Keynote Address at the ECAWA 2025 State Conference around the world.

With a focus on Digital Technologies such as Robotics, Programming and Electronics, he works to educate teachers on the benefits and relative ease with which technology can be embedded into their daily classroom activities.

Damien can be found anywhere from sitting on the floor of a classroom, working with young students first learning the intricacies of programming, through to presenting at conferences to some of the most skilled educators in the field.

Damien has run his popular workshops for teachers and students around the world including:

EduTech (Australia)
QSITE (Australia)
Google Apps for Education Summit (Australia)
RoboCup Junior (China / Australia)
Tufts University (USA)
International Robotics Academy (Jordan)
King Hussein Jubilee Institute (Jordan)
ATLAB (United Arab Emirates and Qatar)
RoboFest (Singapore)
GIFT Education (China)

He is the author of several popular teacher resource books and has been a technical reviewer for several more.

Damien has worked previously with LEGO Education as a trainer of a LEGO Education Distributor in Australia as well as directly with the LEGO Education team in Billund as a member of the software documentation team of the EV3 product line.

Damien received his Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) in 2001 and his PhD (Robotics) in 2007 from the University of Queensland.

He became involved with Educational Robotics in 2000, when the RoboCup Junior competition was established in Queensland. Since then, he has been heavily involved with RoboCup Junior, running the National competition in 2007, serving as Chairman of RCJ Australia in 2010/2011 and being on the committee (RCJ Rescue) for the International competition(2009-2012).

Join Dr Damien Kee for this Keynote Address at the ECAWA 2025 State Conference at Christ Church Grammar School Preparatory School.


In brief:

ECAWA 2025 State Conference
Main page:
Dates: Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd of February, 2025
Venue: Christ Church Grammar School Preparatory School Download the map: coming soon
Parking: Plenty of parking available or arrive by train and walk over to the school.
Presenters and Presentations: coming soon
Offers to Present:
Submit your offer of a presentation at 
Registration and Conference Tickets: 
Record keeping: Certificates recording your participation in this event will be made available at the event
Enquiries: email

ECAWA 2025 State Conference Tickets are available!

ECAWA 2025 State Conference tickets for ECAWA Members and tickets for unwaged Student Members are now available from

Choose from a two day ticket, covering both days of the event, or one day tickets for either Saturday the 22nd of February or Sunday the 23rd of February, as best suitsTickets fotr ECAWA Events are available below your needs.

School Members may purchase as many tickets as they require.

Conference tickets for non members will be available soon.

If you have any questions please email

Join us at the ECAWA 2025 State Conference on Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd of February

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Save the Date The ECAWA 2025 State Conference will be held on the 22nd and 23rd of February 2025 at Christ Church Grammar School Preparatory School. More information will be published here and on the NEWS pages soon.