Is your ECAWA Membership up to date and financial?
ECAWA memberships become due for renewal on either the 30th of March or the 30th of September each year.
If you are not sure if your membership is financial, or you need a copy of your TAX INVOICE for tax purposes, in the first instance, please search your email inbox /s for the subject line including ECAWeb Tax Invoice. That was the subject of the email that was sent when you paid your membership. When you find the most recent membership message look for the Tax Invoice that is attached. In the body of the Tax Invoice you will find a description of the membership you selected as well as the date on which the membership is due to be renewed. For example:
1XXXX – Individual Membership (2023 – September 2024) $71.50
Description: Individual Membership – $71.50 including GST – for Perth based members who prefer to be covered by their own membership, rather than a school / organisational membership, and enjoy the additional privileges attached
to this membership. This membership expires on the 30th of September, 2024, in line with the ECAWA Rules of Association.
If you need to renew your ECAWA Membership you may do so at and pay by Credit Card or by PayPal.
Please contact if you require assistance with membership matter.