ACCE Webinar Series:
Bringing Quantum Computing into your Classroom!
The first of a series of webinars coordinated by the ACCE, of which ECAWA is a founding member, will take place next Monday, the 9th of September, beginning at 5.30pm (Perth time).
This event is free to ECAWA financial members of all membership categories.
To claim your place and attend this free event you will need to complete the registration form at in advance.
Non Members / Prospective Members are welcome to purchase a $20.00 ticket from Saturday 7th of September at
On Monday in the late afternoon all those who have registered or purchased tickets will be sent a link to the ZOOM session.
This webinar is being mounted by TASITE, the Tasmanian member of the ACCE, and we are delighted that they have been willing to organise the first webinar of what is planned to be an extended series.
When the recording of the webinar has been edited, it will be made available to ECAWA members to watch again via ECAWeb, however we suggest that you participate in the live event if at all possible, as you are sure to get a great deal from that experience.
In brief:
Date: Monday September 9th
Time: From 5.30pm (Perth WA Time)
Venue: Online via a ZOOM session. Register to receive the link before the webinar opens.
Cost: Free for ECAWA Members; Non-Members – $20.00 from Saturday 7th at