The Pre-primary–Year 10 Technologies subjects are being reviewed to adopt and adapt the Australian Curriculum version 9 within the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline

Dear Teachers of Pre-primary to Year 10 Technologies (Design and Technologies and/or Digital Technologies)

The Pre-primary–Year 10 Technologies subjects are being reviewed to adopt and adapt the Australian Curriculum version 9 within the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline.

The Authority has focussed on improving the clarity of the content and providing exemplification of the content to support teachers in planning for teaching, learning and assessment.

Proposed curriculum changes for Technologies are now available for consultation, together with the public consultation surveys on the Authority’s website using the following link

Teachers and other stakeholders are invited to review the revised curriculum materials on the Authority’s website (link above) from 13 May 2024 to 31 May 2024 and complete the survey to provide feedback to the Authority. Please share this link with your networks.’


David Donnelly

Principal Consultant – Curriculum and Assessment Secondary Technologies
Curriculum and Assessment
Curriculum, Assessment and Strategic Policy
School Curriculum and Standards
Department of Education
Street address: 303 Sevenoaks St Cannington WA 6107 | Postal address: PO Box 816 Cannington WA 6987
( (08) 9273 6350  |  *  |  Website:

Digital Technologies Review: The Pre-primary–Year 10 Technologies subjects are being reviewed to adopt and adapt the Australian Curriculum version 9 within the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline

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