Time to Renew Your ECAWA Membership?
ECAWA membership subscriptions for both personal and school / organisational memberships normally run for 12 months and become due at either the end of March or the end of September each year – with the majority of membership due to be renewed on March 30th.
Please use the link http://bit.ly/ECAWAMembership to renew your membership or http://bit.ly/ECAWA-JoinRenew to find information about various membership options.
ACCE 2020
As well as all the usual benefits of membership, please remember that 2020 is a National Conference year, and there are more ways for your staff members to take advantage of your school membership than ever! See https://dltv.vic.edu.au/ACCE2020
The ECAWA Annual General Meeting
The ECAWA Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday the 18th of March, 2020.
Our thanks go to Christ Church Grammar School who have made their IT Centre available to ECAWA for the meeting.
For more details, nomination forms and updates to ECAWA Annual General Meeting information please see http://bit.ly/ECAWA_AGM
The ECAWA 2020 State Conference
The ECAWA 2020 State Conference will be held over two full days toward the end of the second week of the July school holidays, at Christ Church Grammar School – Thursday the 16th of July and Friday the 17th of July. Again, we are very grateful to Christ Church Grammar School for making their wonderful facilities available to us, and urge you to get the most from this event for yourself and your staff members. Remember that staff of School / Organisational member of ECAWA may purchase tickets at “Member” rates.
Please also consider offering a presentation or workshop at the ECAWA 2020 State Conference. The “Call for Conference Presenters and Presentations” will be available next Monday from ECAWeb.
Professional Learning Opportunities
Keep an eye out for Professional Learning sessions running throughout the year. We have already run two Computer Science sessions and have plans for both Computer Science and Applied Information Technology sessions soon. If you have requests or have something to offer yourself, please get in contact and we will do our best to support you.
Computer Science Syllabus Review
If you teach Computer Science you have the opportunity to give feedback during the Computer Science Syllabus Review by completing the survey here:
At the end of the survey you will get an email with your submission. If you would like your submission to be considered within ECAWA’s submission to the review please forward your email to secretary@ecawa.wa.edu.au
Submissions close this Sunday, the 8th of March, so this is your last chance for you voice to be heard.