Bhavneet Singh ECAWA Leader of the Year 2018

Bhavneet Singh named ECAWA Leader of the Year – 2018



The Educational Computing Association of WA (Inc.) is very pleased to announce that Ms Bhavneet Singh has been named the ECAWA Leader of the Year.*

Bhavneet is a life-long learner who demonstrates great passion for educational technology. She has a background in Visual Arts but has become synonymous with contemporary learning and educational technologies and computer science in education in WA. She has worked in major roles in education as the Principal Consultant, Curriculum Consultant, TDS Coordinator and has progressed projects like Teachers Can Code across WA. She has been critical in shifting the dial back to building teacher capacity in ICT and Digital Technologies.

She contributes through many different platforms to reach teachers everywhere, to provide them with contacts, context and professional learning. Bhavneet is very well networked and is able to connect schools and educators with the right partners in industry, business or with peers from other schools who can support them in their journey.

Bhavneet’s work is well known to most of the educators and industry in WA as she advocates for change in the way we teach our students. She has initiated numerous projects and social ventures that have had a significant impact on the educational technology landscape in WA.

She is well regarded by her peers and is often fondly named the innovator, the disruptor, the maverick, the problem solver. She seeks productivity boosts in her workspace by creating ways to do things differently using the power of technologies. She stays abreast of the latest technologies and gradually incorporates them into her work.

Bhavneet has provided a significant amount of professional learning at conferences, face to face and online and continues to do so. She now also brokers the services of others to deliver professional learning to support teachers become efficient users of technologies and learn to create using digital technologies.

Bhanveet has enormous amount of energy and lives and breathes her work. She is always available to teachers who want to take the next step from where they are at. She has been known to provide online, phone support and shoulder to shoulder support after hours to teachers from all sectors.

*This award has also been made to Dr Michelle Ellis, to whom congratulations are offered as well. See  for more information.

Congratulations Ms Bhavneet Singh – ECAWA Leader of the Year – 2018!

This text was summarized from the award recipient’s nomination documents.


Bhavneet Singh