Ingesting data at 3,600 GBytes/s, storing 10,000s of 200TB files using a 64PFlop supercomputer (64PFlop may be on the low side) and trying to understand the evolution of galaxies; might sound a little ludicrous but it’s what Kevin does for a living.
In this Education across the Nation presentation Kevin will describe the scale of The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Science Data Processing (SDP) problem and how an international team of Astronomy, High Performance Computing, and Software Engineering specialists are trying to have a design completed by the end of 2015.
Some of the problems facing the team are purely technical, but bringing 21 organisations together from a dozen countries to design something of this size, scale and complexity presents its own set of challenges when it comes to Software Engineering, Modelling, Communications and team dynamics.
Online registration is a requirement.
For more information see http://www.acs.org.au/networking-and-events/events/events-calendar/event-details?eveID=30290792282535