A letter from ECAWA President Ian Gaynor
Dear ECAWA members,
I would like to raise your awareness of a CSIRO initiative regarding a developing partnerships between Primary and Secondary teachers of ICT and Computing courses, and professionals from the ICT industry.
The initiative,…..
“Scientists, Mathematicians and ICT in Schools is a national program that creates and supports long-term partnerships between primary or secondary school teachers and scientists, mathematicians or ICT professionals. Partnerships are flexible to allow for a style and level of involvement that suits each participant.”
See http://www.scientistsinschools.edu.au/ict/
This partnership is based upon the following successful CSIRO initiatives of:
- Scientists in schools
- and mathematics in schools
CSIRO is now extending the ICT professionals initiative to schools in Western Australia.
Please find attached the flyer from CSIRO. The flyer provides details of the initiative, and the event time, date and place.
I hope to see you there.
Ian Gaynor
ECAWA – The Educational Computing Association of Western Australia (Inc)
Download the flyer
In brief:
Date: Tuesday April 22nd
Time: 2.00pm
Venue: PAWSEY Centre, Burvill Ct, (off Hayman Rd), Kensington
RSVP: ScientistsInSchools@csiro.au