Tell Copyright Agency your go to teaching materials for a chance to win a $500 e-gift card

Copyright Agency Questionnaire and Prize Draw

Copyright Agency

Questionnaire and Prize Draw


Dear Members and Friends,

Thanks again to everyone who has already completed Copyright Agency’s questionnaire about materials you have copied and shared with your students in the past 12 months.

Complete the questionnaire at 

This is a reminder to take part, if you have not already done so. The questionnaire will close on Sunday 15 September 2024. It takes most people less than 10 minutes to complete.

By completing the questionnaire you will have an option to enter a random draw to win one of five eGift cards from GiftPay worth $500 each.

The information you provide will help Copyright Agency make copyright payments to writers, artists and publishers of the material you use. Complete the online questionnaire

We appreciate your support in this important initiative. These payments help Australian publishers, authors and artists to continue to create quality local educational content for our classrooms.

About Copyright Agency
Copyright Agency is a not-for-profit that collects and distributes copyright payments to writers, artists and publishers. Many of the writers and illustrators who receive payments are current or former teachers. Our association also receives payments from Copyright Agency, as a publisher of teaching resources. There is more information about Copyright Agency here:

If you would like further information about this data collection project, please contact Rosanna Arciuli at Copyright Agency by emailing

To ensure confidentiality, the survey has been set up and is hosted by Taverner Research, an independent research company committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of everyone who takes part in any of its research.

Taverner Research is bound by the Privacy (Market and Social Research) Code 2021 which has been approved by the Australian government’s Office of the Information Commissioner. Taverner’s privacy policy, consistent with the Code, can be viewed here:

Prize Draw
Terms and conditions apply. Click here for details: 

While you are here…..

ECAWA Membership

Is your ECAWA Membership up to date?

ECAWA memberships become due for renewal on either the 30th of March or the 30th of September each year. If you are not sure of the current status of your ECAWA membership please email and check.
See to renew your ECAWA Membership.

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