
Brett ClarkeIn this hands-on, workshop you will be challenged to apply the principles of good item design to create your own short and long for exam questions.

You will learn how to self critique your own items as well as critique and therefore improve those items obtained from other sources that you may have considered for inclusion in your next school-based exam.

Feel free to bring along any items/exams you may have developed/used in the past if you would like some feedback.

Brett Clarke


  • To understand the subject matter
  • To learn about key concepts 
  • To develop assessment pieces

AITSL Standards:
Consider: 2.1, 2.3, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.4

Participants are expected to bring their own computers
WiFi access will be provided at the venue.

Intended Audience:
Teachers of ATAR Computer Science

Group Size:
15 tickets will be available.

Saturday the 8th of June
9:00am – Registration
9:30am – Review of previous exams and sharing of assessments
10:00am – Morning Tea (provided)
10:30am – Working in groups on developing assessment material
12:30pm – Lunch (provided)
1:30pm – 3:30pm – Working in groups developing assessment material

Christ Church Grammar School Room: IT Centre


About the Presenter:
Brett Clarke is an ECAWA member of very long standing, as well as a past President of ECAWA. Brett has been a regular presenter at Conferences and workshops over many years.

Tickets for the Perth Masterclasses and the Carnival Dinner may be selected at
Scroll down and choose the appropriate tickets.


Join Brett Clarke at the ECAWA 2019 Carnival of Computing  on Saturday the 8th of June.